(907) 345-9353


Salmon Shark Lingcod & Rockfish

     The muscles in your arms are burning, the line on your reel is screaming and your body is braced against the rail – congratulations! You are in a first rate angling fight with a mighty Alaskan Halibut! The largest of all flatfish, halibut can grow to enormous sizes – with fish over 100 pounds being caught recurrently in Southcentral Alaska. These large fish are known as “barndoor” halibut or “shooters” – and landing one is an unbelievable thrill! On average, most sport caught halibut will average around 20 – 40 pounds, but when it comes to these plentiful fish, the chance of hooking into a barndoor is always there – every time you drop your hook! In 2006, a 390 pound halibut was caught in Prince William Sound – and the state record fish is 457 pounds!

     Halibut have a dark upper side which tends to assume the coloration of the ocean bottom, while their white underside tends to blend in well with the sky when viewed from below. These color adaptations allow halibut to avoid detection by both prey and predator. As far as our barndoor halibut or shooters are concerned, these large fish are typically female as they grow faster and they are larger than males of the same age. Most halibut caught in the sport fishery are 5-15 years old. If you want to know the age of a halibut you have landed, you can estimate its age by counting rings on the “otolith,” a bony structure in the inner ear of the halibut.

     Halibut are highly prized by sport fishermen – both for their delicious white meat, as well as for their awesome fight! Truly, this fish is the ultimate for many anglers. No Alaska Fishing Trip would be complete without setting your sights on the prodigious Alaskan Halibut. In fact, most folks will agree that it is an experience you'll never forget. For those anglers wanting even more of a challenge – you can try landing a halibut on a salmon rod! Just imagine yourself on board our yacht as we drop anchor for the evening in a secluded bay and you spend the evening catching halibut into the night. Imagine having a 100 or a 200 pound halibut on the other end of your line with its incredible swimming power and brute strength. As you are reeling and reeling - your arms burning with exhaustion - you begin to question whether or not you will ever get this behemoth to the surface! Somehow, you find the will – and the energy – to keep reeling. This could be the best fishing story of your life!     

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PO Box 110785, Anchorage, AK 99511-0785
Email: info@alaskawildernessvoyages.com

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